Targeted IPL Skin Renewal

This treatment works by delivering high intensity, non-coherent light with a range of wavelengths that target specific chromophores (skin components that absorb light). IPL is similar to a laser treatment. However, a laser focuses just one wavelength of light at your skin, while IPL releases light of many different wavelengths, like a photo flash. The light waves pass through the top layer of skin (epidermis) to the targeted pigmented or vascular area of the skin located in the second layer of skin (dermis). As the light penetrates down to the second layer of skin, it allows the cells to absorb its energy, heat up, and eventually destroy the pigmentation within the cell. This technology uses filters to refine the energy output for the treatment of certain areas. This enhances penetration without using excessive energy levels and enables targeting of specific chromophores (skin components that absorb light). The light heats cells in the skin and breaks them down. The body then removes the damaged tissue naturally. For most skin conditions, 3-6 treatments are needed about a month apart.

woman looking to the side with her hands holding one another

What to expect with IPL Therapy:

  • Most patients describe experiencing a fast, pinching sensation during treatment, feeling similar to an elastic band being “snapped” on the skin. The sensation is moderate and very tolerable. There is no need for injections or incisions, giving patients the bonus of no downtime required.
  • Your skin may be temperature sensitive for several days following treatment.
  • You may find that your cheeks and under eye areas are slightly puffy after treatment.
  • You may use cold compresses (5 minutes on and 10 minutes off) several times an hour to help ease both redness and swelling. Sleeping with your head elevated for the first night will also help decrease any swelling you may experience.
  • Redness around the treated area for a few hours to days.
  • Minor bruising that may last up to two weeks.
  • Pigmented lesions may appear darker in color for a few weeks following each treatment. The pigment cells then will either flake off or break down to let the body absorb them naturally.

Choose Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas

Located in Waco, TX, Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas offers advanced cosmetic surgery care. Serving patients throughout central Texas, Dr. Guy takes the time to explain procedures thoroughly and make his patients feel comfortable. Instead of traveling to Austin or Dallas, patients can receive state-of-the-art treatments close to home. In addition to IPL, Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas offers procedures including:

For more information about IPL in Waco, TX, contact us today.

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When you turn to Dr. Charles Guy, you'll immediately find several advantages to working with our team. Our down-to-earth staff is here to make you feel comfortable and ensure you get the best results possible. To learn more about our face and neck procedures in the central Texas area, contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Charles Guy.

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