Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelift) Services in Central Texas

An individual’s eyes and the surrounding areas are often the first physical characteristics people will notice. They are the focal points of the face and draw the most attention. This can cause someone to feel self-conscious if they are unhappy with the appearance of their upper eyelids. Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas offers patients a safe and effective solution with advanced upper eyelid surgery services in Waco, TX, from double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Guy and his dedicated team. He makes it easier for clients to receive professional plastic surgery services without needing to travel to other parts of the state, such as Dallas and Austin. Learn more about this cosmetic procedure and what to expect following eyelid surgery.

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What Is Upper Blepharoplasty?

As patients age, they may notice their upper eyelids feel progressively heavier, causing their lids to droop lower than normal. This can be caused by the eyebrow descending, upper eyelid skin excess, or both. Upper blepharoplasty (sometimes called an “upper bleph”) is an eye modification procedure that removes excess skin and occasionally bulging fat that can give the eye a heavy look.

Upper Blepharoplasty Before & After

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What to Expect During Your Upper Eyelid Surgery in Waco

Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas follows a distinct approach to upper blepharoplasty procedures by being conservative with fat and skin removal. Taking away too much fat can result in a hollowed look, and when too much skin is removed, it leads to a surprised countenance or even issues with blinking. Carefully considering eyebrow placement and then removing the correct amount of fat and skin can lift the extra weight off the eye for a brighter appearance. In many cases, people have developed forehead wrinkles because they are always subconsciously elevating their eyebrows to pull the upper lid skin off their upper lid. After a successful upper blepharoplasty, that strain is removed from the forehead, which adds to the youthful appearance patients enjoy post-op. Upper blepharoplasty can be done with general anesthesia in the operating room (while the patient sleeps) or with oral sedation in the office after making the area numb with an injection of local anesthesia. Those who elect to undergo this procedure can expect the following:

  • Patients will have sutures that will be removed in the office five to seven days after their surgery.
  • The eyelids will swell. At two weeks after surgery, 80% of the swelling will be resolved. After two months, the rest will have been resolved.
  • Patients may experience some tearing that results from swelling.
  • It is common for patients to experience a temporary sensation of dry eyes. 
  • Patients will be given a prescription for pain medications, as well as an antibiotic.
  • Bruising will migrate down the face. This will resolve in the first couple of weeks as the bruise goes through its color changes and ultimately disappears.

Before leaving the facility, patients will be informed on how to properly care for the treatment area and provided with explicit instructions. Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas strongly recommends patients avoid rubbing their eyes as much as they can. Instead, we encourage them to do the following:

  • Wear dark sunglasses when outside to keep the eyes protected from the sun and wind.
  • Sleep with the head elevated above the heart as much as possible.
  • Use ice packs frequently to help reduce swelling.

Why Choose Upper Blepharoplasty in Waco?

Reasons for undergoing upper eyelid surgery at our Waco clinic can vary. In some cases, it may be purely cosmetic. Patients who are unhappy with their appearance due to overhanging eyelid skin can achieve the refreshed look they desire with an upper blepharoplasty. Not only can an upper blepharoplasty help patients remove excess skin above the eyes, but it can also eliminate hooded eyelids, delivering a more vibrant appearance.

Another reason patients may elect for this type of procedure is that heavy upper lids can result in impaired vision. Depending on which area of the eyelid is drooping and by how much, different parts of a patient’s vision may be affected. This impairment can make it difficult for patients to perform even the easiest of tasks. Upper blepharoplasty can help restore full field of vision for patients, allowing them to get back to everyday responsibilities and activities they love.

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Upper Blepharoplasty Specialist in Central Texas

Those interested in learning about safe and reliable solutions concerning the excess skin around their eyes from a board-certified plastic surgeon should turn to Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas. This skilled team is pleased to offer patients a full range of cosmetic services from the collarbone up, including upper blepharoplasty. Our continued commitment to our clients and their needs has allowed us to earn our strong reputation in Central Texas and the surrounding areas. Contact Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas today for more information about upper blepharoplasty in Waco, TX, or to request a consultation.

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When you turn to Dr. Charles Guy, you'll immediately find several advantages to working with our team. Our down-to-earth staff is here to make you feel comfortable and ensure you get the best results possible. To learn more about our face and neck procedures in the central Texas area, contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Charles Guy.

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