If you have a mole or beauty mark on your face, you might love how it gives you a unique look. Depending on its location or appearance, however, you may feel self-conscious about a facial mole. One of the services offered in Waco, TX, by Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas is mole removal. By choosing an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Charles Guy, you can be confident your mole will be removed safely and effectively with minimal scarring.

What Is a Mole?

A mole is a skin growth made up of a group of pigment-producing cells. Also known as a nevus, a mole is a small, flesh-colored mark that may be flat or raised. Some moles are present at birth; others develop during childhood or adolescence. Over time, moles that are exposed to sun damage may become cancerous. Malignant moles need to be removed to prevent cancer from spreading. Benign moles aren’t harmful, but a patient may want a non-cancerous mole removed from their face if they don’t like how it looks.

Common Types of Mole Removal

There are minimally invasive surgical and non-surgical options for removing unwanted moles. These include:


Excision is simply the medical term for cutting away tissue, typically with a scalpel. Before excising a mole, a provider will inject the area with an anesthetic to numb the mole and surrounding skin. They will remove the mole and may cut away a small amount of skin surrounding the mole. Some excisions will require sutures, depending on how deep the mole goes into the skin. Sutures can be removed after a few days.

Shave Removal

Similar to excision, shave removal is a good solution for smaller moles. After numbing the area with a local anesthetic, a plastic surgeon will carefully shave layers of cells with a scalpel until the mole is no longer visible. Stitches usually are not needed with shave removal.


In some cases, moles and skin tags can be removed with cryotherapy, which uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the growth. Cryotherapy destroys the cells and creates a small blister that usually heals within a few weeks. Local anesthetic usually isn’t required because the pain and discomfort of mole freezing are minimal.

Laser Removal

Small, flat moles sometimes can be removed with laser treatment. A CO2 laser uses bursts of light radiation to destroy the pigmented cells. Multiple sessions may be required for this treatment.

When to Have a Mole Examined by Your Doctor

If you have a mole that looks different or unusual, it’s best to have it checked out by a dermatologist or your primary care physician. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using the letters ABCDE as a guide to help you recognize potential signs of malignant moles:

  • Asymmetry: One side of the mole looks different than the other.
  • Border: The mole has an irregular or jagged border.
  • Color: The mole has varying shades of brown or black instead of one uniform color.
  • Diameter: The mole is larger than six millimeters or is growing rapidly in size.
  • Evolving: You’ve noticed a rapid change in the mole’s asymmetry, border, color, or diameter.

Most healthy adults should have their skin examined by a dermatologist once a year. Patients with an increased risk of melanoma or other skin cancers may need more frequent exams.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Patients throughout central Texas can receive state-of-the-art plastic surgery close to home, without having to travel to Austin or Dallas. At Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas in Waco, TX, Dr. Guy and his team specialize in all types of cosmetic surgery from the collarbone up. With a strong reputation for compassionate and personalized care, Dr. Guy helps each patient develop a plan to look and feel their best. For more information about mole removal or to request an appointment at Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas, contact us today.

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When you turn to Dr. Charles Guy, you'll immediately find several advantages to working with our team. Our down-to-earth staff is here to make you feel comfortable and ensure you get the best results possible. To learn more about our face and neck procedures in the central Texas area, contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Charles Guy.

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