
I’m Not Happy With My Eyelids. What Can I Do?

As we age, our skin loses elasticity, resulting in sagging or drooping. The delicate skin around the eyes is especially vulnerable to signs of aging. Fine lines, dark circles, and sagging upper eyelids all can make a person look older than they feel. Fortunately, there are cosmet...

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What Is a Neck Lift?

For many patients, one of the most noticeable signs of aging is a sagging neck. The skin on the face and neck is especially thin and delicate, and as it begins to lose collagen, it can look loose or wrinkly. For other people, excess fat below the jawline can create a double chin...

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What Are the Benefits of Microneedling?

As you age, your body produces less collagen, the protein that gives skin its elasticity and firmness. Microneedling stimulates your body's natural healing processes, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin. While the name might sound intimidating, microneedling...

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How Can MyEllevate Improve My Neck and Jawline?

At Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas, we've met with many patients who feel self-conscious about the appearance of their necks. Over time, the delicate skin on the neck can sag and crease, making a person feel they look much older than they are. One of the services we...

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What Is a Mini Facelift?

As you reach middle age, it's common to start noticing telltale signs of aging. You may notice that the skin on your neck feels loose or is starting to sag. Or, the shape of your face might start to change, with jowls developing where a firm jawline once was. At Facial Plas...

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What Are My Options for Mole Removal?

If you have a mole or beauty mark on your face, you might love how it gives you a unique look. Depending on its location or appearance, however, you may feel self-conscious about a facial mole. One of the services offered in Waco, TX, by Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas is...

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What Is the Best Age for a Facelift?

Facelifts are one of the most widely known cosmetic treatments available. While they've traditionally been popular for patients 60 years and older, an increasing number of younger people are seeking facelifts. At Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas, Dr. Charles Guy and...

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How do I know if I need a lip lift or lip filler?

Many patients find themselves debating between a lip lift and a lip filler. Which is best? The answer will depend on the individual's needs and desires. Luckily, patients who would like to enhance the appearance of their lips do not need to travel to Dallas or Austin for ex...

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Why Do I Get Burned Even When I Have Sunscreen On?

While we offer a range of treatments at Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas, we're also committed to providing effective patient education. One of the best things we can do to care for our skin is to protect it from the harmful rays of the sun. Sunburn isn’t just...

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Is Laser Skin Resurfacing Safe?

CO2 laser resurfacing is a common cosmetic procedure because it is safe and effective. Although it is used to help treat many different skin conditions, CO2 laser resurfacing is most useful to help treat fine lines and wrinkles that develop in the skin. Dr. Charles Guy and the sk...

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